Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who Said Flu Shots Work?

A while back Summer came down with a terrible flu. She came home from daycare on a Friday not feeling well, but the clincher was when she threw up all over Daddy not once, not twice, but three times. We did our best to get fluids into her as we could but her stomach was just too upset to hold anything down, not to mention the 102 degree fever she had. The picture you see here was from Saturday’s visit to the ER to try and see what medicine we could get or if she needed an IV. The medicine that we did get was thrown back up on multiple occasions the remainder of Saturday and into Sunday early morning.. By Sunday morning, Summer was still throwing up and frighteningly dehydrated. To top things off, Mommy started her bout with the flu late Saturday night, and I could feel it setting in Sunday morning. Recognizing that I only had a few hours until I was totally worthless with the flu we called in reinforcements to meet us at the hospital and help us care for Summer while we battled the flu. Thanks Grandma!!

What better way for Grandma to spend her birthday than taking care of us 3 sicko’s. She did a great job taking care of Summer while Tiff and I tried to nurse ourselves back to normal. Once we were all feeling better, Grandma went home and then got her flu. Sorry Grams but we’re forever in your debt.

Faces Of Love

We all know that Summer has brought immense joy to our family, especially as the first grandchild and even great grandchild. While families are going goo-goo gaa-gaa over Summer, and I’m guilty of it too, I don’t think we ever stopped and wondered what things looked like from her perspective? My presumption is it can be quite intimidating, all these big people crowding over you, poking her belly, grabbing her cheeks, patting her cute little baby butt, and best of all, flashing camera’s at a blinding pace. In all of this, have we ever stopped and thought just how crazy we all look from Summer’s perspective? Well, this picture is worth a thousand words.

Splish Splash I Was Takin' A Bath

Summer has upgraded to the big girl tub now. She loves her new digs and especially how much more room this gives her to splish and splash Mommy and Daddy with water. Still not a big fan of having her hair washed but we do that last so she gets good and angry after all splashing has taken place. Took us a few times to learn that lesson.

That's Amore'

Once the holidays rolled around Mommy and Daddy decided I needed to begin incorporating other items into her diet besides Mommy’s milk. While I wasn’t a huge fan of using utensils, I think I did pretty well. You be the judge.

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and Summer was already getting loads of presents at the Bandyk’s Christmas Eve extravaganza. While Summer really didn’t know what was going on she sure did enjoy all the toys, stuffed animals, clothes, and her very own custom made toy chest with her name on it. It was a whirl wind night of playing, opening presents, and having fun with the family. Once we got home Summer insisted on staying awake to try and meeting Santa, but no dice kid, he’s a clever one!! The next morning Mommy and Daddy enjoyed their very first Christmas with Summer.

We had breakfast and opened even more presents. When all was said and done, she had to take a nap amongst the carnage from her present opening frenzy. I think Summer enjoyed her first Christmas cuz she later asked, when do we get to have another Christmas.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sorry for the delay

Friends and family,

Thank you for your patience as I took a haitus from posting new stories over these past few months. I have a 6 month break from school and so I look forward to picking up where I left off. I'm working on some stories to catch you all up starting with the '08 holidays. Stay tuned!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2nd Annual Galena Trip

We made our second annual trip to Galena, IL with friends Amador, Di, and Maeve. The trip typically starts out at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Savanna IL on Friday. We then head to Galena on Saturday and then off for a visit with Grandpa's horse "Renegade". Summer and Maeve were happy to a hang out in the stix for a weekend to get away from the hustle and bustle in their lives right. A baby's life can be rough I guess. Galena is about 45 minutes from Savanna and makes for a nice ride with great scenery. Did I say relaxing? While you can't see Summer because of the car seat, she is sleeping along with all the other girls. We all loved shopping and stopping in at all the cool stores.

Trick or Treat!!!

So what is more fitting than dressing up Summer as a pumpkin for Halloween? Summer had a big day of trick or treating and playing with the neighbors on the front lawn. She loves all her new friends on the block. They all had great costumes and had fun taking pictures and showing off their costumes. Grandma even came over to give Summer a Halloween present and some candy for Mom and Dad. She enjoyed just about all the costumes except for the Elvira costume at a friends party. Oh yeah, that got thee old tear ducts a flowin. Don't take it personally Elvira.

Summer was a little lamb, little lamb....

Summer participated in her first ever Christmas pageant sponsored by her daycare. She was the lead lamb in the story and knocked it out of the park, I mean, c’mon look how cute she is. Daddy's little lamb rang the holiday bells with stellar precision and clearly stole the show.

A big thanks goes out to Mommy for fighting the treacherous winter storm ensuring that Summer made it with plenty of time to get in some last minute practice before the show with Ms. Amanda.

Summer Loves Daycare

So this where Summer takes her naps when she's at daycare. She has the cool corner spot in the room with plenty to look at when she goes down for a nap. While she does enjoy her two naps per day (who wouldn't?), she spends most of her time on activity mats and playing games with Ms. Deb and the other kids. Summer learns about shapes, animals, colors, and more but really loves story time with the others. I guess she's tired of hearing me read her my schoolwork about organizational behavior, effective leadership, or something along those lines. Once I'm done with school we can start on the Dr. Seuss collection, promise.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So we had a great vacation to New York. The day after we came home, we went to the park to enjoy our last day with Summer before she started daycare. Summer didn't know yet, so we thought that the park would be a good place to tell her that she'd be starting daycare that very next day. We both thought, she can't get that upset right? We were wrong. Check out the video.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

East Siiiiiide

While in New York we met up with some friends, the Hackers. Chris and Stu used to live down the block from me through High School until they both heard Frank Sinatra in their ears singing New York New York, "start spreadin the news, I'm leaving today. I want to be a part of it", well you know the rest.

After our tour of Yankee Stadium we headed out to Jersey, Ohhh, to hang out at Stu's house for a BBQ. Good friends and good times, just a perfect recipe to help us wind down while on a very hectic vacation. We shared stories of the good old days, caught up on some new ones, and Summer made a new friend in Stu and Tracey's baby, Sophie. Sophie's a cutie patootie of a little one and got a kick out Summer and running around the yard with Uncle Chris. Tracey, thanks for having us over and it was great meeting. Looking forward to Boxing Day for some bangers and mash. All hail the Queen!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The House That Ruth Built

So this is Yankee Stadium that Daddy's always talking about. Wow, this place is amazing. To think I'm standing on the field that has been a part of 26 World Championships. Sorry Mommy, but as Daddy tells me, that's about 25 more than the Cubs have, the Cubs must not be good.
Summer got the opportunity of a lifetime to tour the now "old" Yankee Stadium while we were in NY. The tour started in Monument Park, then went on the field on our way to the dugout (where I used the phone to call the bullpen hoping Rivera was there warming up) then on to the press box. We had a great time and really enjoyed soaking up all the history the stadium has to offer. To think we stood on the same field as players like the Babe, Lou Gehrig, Joltin' Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Yogi, Reggie Jackson, Whitey Ford, Derek Jeter, 3 popes, and many many more. Truly an amazing experience we'll all never forget. Well, at least two of us won't forget, at least until Alzheimer's sets in.

The Lap of Luxury

Well, after 14 hours of driving, I guess it was all worth it. I could get use to this. Now, if Mommy would only let me get some room service while we're on vacation! Ohhh Daddy, Mommy won't let me get room service : (

Daddy's a sucker for my cute little face.....puddy in my hands and I haven't even cracked 4 months old. Man, I'm good.

As you can see, Summer certainly enjoyed her big bed to stretch out and unwind after long days of driving and being in her car seat. She was such a good girl the whole trip. We sure do have a great kid. In fact, as I continue telling people, she is the greatest baby of all baby's in the entire world. And I'm not biased, Uncle Joe says the same thing. And I'll bet Grandma Bandyk would too!!

Son, Do You Know How Fast You Were Going?

This unfortunately seemed to become a common question on the road trip Mommy and Daddy said would be fun....look who's smiling now, and that's not cuz I made #2 and you have to clean it. It's because this was the first of Daddy's two speeding tickets, in Ohio, on the way out New York for the Great Yankee Vacation.

At least Daddy successfully made it 5 hours into the trip before getting pinched for 87 in a 65. Not 12 hours later would Daddy get another ticket, however, that one was in Pennsylvania and Daddy said he's fighting that one cuz the cop was shifty and is taking advantage of his out of town residence. Note to you all, don't talk back to cops. Daddy learned a hard lesson.

Do I really have to sit in here for 14 hours?

While I know Summer was excited to go on vacation to Yankee Stadium, she was a little bitter about Mom and Dad deciding a road trip would be fun. A road trip begs the question, "how often will I get changed on said road trip? You all can hold it, I have to sit in it until you decide to stop. This is so unfair". Little did she know that in less than 24 hours, Mommy would also be a little unhappy with how the road trip was shaping up. Oh yeah, read on.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Countdown Is On!!!

It's not just Summer that's salty Mommy is going back to work on Tuesday, but Mommy is too. She's crying almost twice per day. All these crying ladies, I don't know what to do. If only Grandpa Furtak were here, he raised 4 girls, he would have some advice.

I sympathize with Mommy's plight cuz Mommy and Summer have become best friends and have had some real good time since the big birthing day on June 14th. However, Summer's gonna make new friends at 3N1 Daycare and I'm sure will adjust well. But there's no replacing Mommy, she's our favorite. Now Mommy on the other hand, she's gonna be a wreck. She'll probably spend the first few days at work crying at her desk (for those of you that are on her team and read this blog, please be patient). It's ok Mommy, we all understand. You cry as much as you need to, Daddy's here for ya.

Are You Ready For Some Football?

What better way to kick of the start of the 2008 NFL season than with my little pumpkin. Summer is a huge fan of football, or maybe it's just the bright colors in HD, who knows, who cares, we had a good time.

Right after this picture was taken she tried telling me that she would make a great Fantasy Football Manager and insisted that I get her in a league soon so she could exercise her dominance over any poor sucker that opposed her. Easy kid, in due time.

Daddy, Do I Have To Work In Group Insurance Too?

While Summer enjoyed her visit with Daddy's team at work, she couldn't help but think, insurance is boring. Yes pumpkin, it is, however, who else is gonna pay for that expensive "new dress per week" habit you have.

So Summer came to visit the crew at MetLife and made the "traditional rounds" that all new Moms and baby's must make. She had a blast and was goo goo'd all over. Everyone's a big fan of the Summer-pie (Summer-pie is my nickname for the bambino). She met Daddy's boss (Andrea Staley, pictured here) and tried hitting her up for a raise for Daddy. While she wasn't successful she did make a strong argument and she can tell the boss was a sucker for a cute face. She'll wear her down if Daddy doesn't. So, as the newest member of the Staley team, she was immediately given some proactive calls to make (thanks to Tammy) and some other miscellaneous task in the IAM. Andrea made it a point to comment on her data integrity skills and how much more superior they were than Daddys'. Thanks boss, well played.

Let's Do Some Shots

You should see the picture before and after this. Oh man, Summer is not a big fan of getting her shots. This was her 2 month check up. Yeah, I'm a couple weeks delayed in getting the blog updated, yet again. Summer got a clean bill of health, even after the "shampoo incident".

What you don't see after this picture is Summer giving this nurse a kung fu chop right to the neck in protest of getting 2 shots at once. Then I got one too cuz I just sat there and watched as this nurse gave my kid some shots, what a mean Daddy!! Heck yeah my kid is wicked strong.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

No More Head and Shoulders For You Kid

It was an exciting Friday night at the Bandyk household this weekend. Mommy was going to a Pampered Chef Party (her 2nd time out with the girls since Summer was born), and Uncle Joe was coming over to hang out with Daddy to watch his new Blu Ray copies of Discovery Channel's "Planet Earth". Summer had been a frownie brownie the better part of the evening so we decided that a bath and a bottle of milk would calm her down and get her ready for bed.

This was a good plan, but first let me take you back a month....0ur friends were visiting and mentioned that the best way to get rid of the baby acne Summer had was to use Head and Shoulders shampoo every 3rd bath (fyi - the dandruff on a baby's scalp falls onto the cheeks and causes the acne). Who better to listen to than an RN? So we did, and the Head and Shoulders worked beautifully. Thanks Joline!!

However, I accidentally got some in her eyes and mouth and that's when the madness ensued. Summer immediately began whaling, foaming at the mouth, and drooling like a horse. So naturally I start freaking out. I scan the bottle of shampoo for "what if's" and then frantically told Uncle Joe to call Poison Control. As Uncle Joe is on the phone with Poison Control I see the largest collection of bubbles and saliva come out of a humans mouth that I'd ever want to see, and worse, it's my own daughter. So as he's getting the lowdown from Poison Control I'm screaming "call an ambulance"!!! Uncle Joe tells them to send over an ambulance and then calls Mommy to let her know what's happening. Clearly Mommy's coming right home.

So, the ambulance pulls up in the driveway and they run in to assess the situation - Summer's naked, screaming, eye swollen shut, and foaming/bubbling at the mouth. Oh yeah, and Daddy is freaking out. We run through some preliminary info with the EMT's and they do a pretty good job of calming me down. They suction Summers mouth and flush her eye to help get out any remaining shampoo that's in there. Then they hand her over so that I can calm her down and get her settled. Meanwhile, the female EMT asks, "where's the mother, girls night out? First time?". I simply reply "yeah, 2nd girls night out, and now probably her last". We all share a quick laugh, but at the same time realizing it's probably true - either I'm off of bath time duties or Mommy's never the leaving the house again : )

So here's where we're at today (Sunday) - Summer's eye is looking much better. Still a little red and goopy but ten times better than Friday night. She's been quite gassy since ingesting the shampoo but nothing really new there. Daddy's pride is hurt and hopefully the neighbors don't think I'm an idiot. Tiff and I are lucky to have the greatest neighbor's anyone could ever ask for, they were all very concerned when this was going on and have been quick to follow up with us to make sure all is well. Once they see all is well, they all say the same thing, "looks like Tiff isn't leaving the house again" - agreed!! But yeah, picture this, for about 30 minutes while the EMT's are at the house, the lights are still flashing, almost like a beacon in the night saying, "LOOK AT THIS GUY, HE CAN'T EVEN BATHE HIS KID WITHOUT HAVING TO CALL 911". All I can think is "alright guys we get the idea I think we can turn the lights off now, I'm pretty sure we have everyone's attention."

So here's to you Summer: Daddy's very sorry and feels awful. While I'm sure you won't remember this moment in your life, I'm also sure that when you do find out about this, it won't prevent you from blackmailing me into giving you a car for your 16th birthday, and it just might work. I love you Pumpkin!!

Step Aside Michael Phelps

Clearly Summer Bandyk was motivated by Phelp's performance in this years Summer Olympics and has set her sights on getting 9 gold medals in the 2028 Summer Olympics, thus beating the new record set by Phelps. As he won his 8th gold medal, Summer turned to me and said, "there can be only one"!! She then insisted I help her swim laps to get ready. You go girl!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thanks Gramps!

What's that Grandpa Booton, you want me to have your '57 T-Bird when I turn 16? Well, I guess. After all, I do look good in pink.

What Up Cuz?

Check me out with my cousins. Meet the crew - Tristan - center
Kassidy - right
Madison - immediate left
Valerie - far left

This was my first time meeting my cousins in Galesburg (Mommy's home town). They all loved me very much and were very curious by the random noises I made. While most were cries that day, some where, well, you get the idea.

The girls simply can't wait to babysit me some day, play dress up with me, teach me about boys and make-up. Oh wait Daddy heard me, "No I wasn't talking about boys. Just like you said Daddy, no dating until I'm 30". Remember that oh dear cousins, no dating for my little pumpkin until the sweet age of 30. Boys = Bad, except Daddy.

Hey Kid, That's Daddy's Move!!

Talk about separation anxiety, even when she's not feeding, Summer still wants to be near the boob. Tune in Tokyo, tune in Tokyo.

I guess we identified another way in which she's like her Daddy. Top notch kid!

Like Mother Like Daughter

Now that Tiff isn't pregnant anymore, ah, who'm I kidding, she stills always tired. And, it appears she's passed the gene along to Summer. Here they are getting crazy on Mommy's birthday, and by crazy, I mean sleeping.
Both snuggled up and sleeping away while the party is going on around them. Looks like I don't have to worry about Summer getting the "party" bug. Happy Birthday Mommy!!! We love you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

You talkin to me? YOU TALKIN TO ME?

It's totally possible that Daddy has been watching too many Robert Deniro movies. When I asked if she had a poopy diaper, she simply gave me this look and surprisingly said "you talkin to me, you talkin to me? I don't see anyone else here so you must be talkin to me".

Shocked that my 1 month old daughter spoke I said, "heck yeah, I'm talkin to you!" Unless Mommy pooped her pants. Mommy, how's your britches?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gimme some sugar baby!!

Aunt Barbie came to visit the other week (yes, the other week, I'm late getting pictures up...cut me some slack) so she could play with Summer and let Mommy and Daddy get some sleep. Summer and Aunt Barbie have bonded well from day 1.

Aunt Barbie has become Summers personal fashionista. Summer wanted to thank Aunt Barbie for the wonderful outfit she's wearing in this picture so she decided to play a little kissy face. Keep the nice outfits coming Aunt Barbie. We can see it already, Summer and Aunt Barbie hanging out at the mall learning the finer ways of shopping and getting good deals. There must be something about that name Barbara that lends itself to spoiling nephews and nieces. We love you Aunt Barbie.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Is this a hot tub....where did those bubbles come from?

Now that Summer's belly button scab has fallen off, we can take baths. As you may now, Summer demonstrates a classic Bandyk and Booton trait, methane dissemination. Summer loves taking baths but still hasn't figured out where those bubbles are coming from, but don't worry, she'll learn.
While in the buff, Summer decided to show off her biceps for Mommy, Daddy, and the viewing audience of this picture. She is a very animated baby and loves waiving her arms around, just like Daddy did.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 Generations of Family

The other week Summer met her Great Grandma Furtak for the first time. Both Summer and Grandma were very excited to meet each other. Summer didn't cry much at all, looks like Grandma's got the touch. After raising four girls of her own, this was a walk in the park. Once Grams was done holding Summer, Summer started to cry. At that point we all decided that she had the temper of, our much loved and missed, Grandpa Furtak. I have a feeling Gramps and Summer would have gotten along famously. Here's looking at you Gramps :)

First Doctor Visit

So we've found that Summer isn't a big fan of going to the doctor. While she didn't get any shots at her first visit and got a clean bill of health, she did decide that the scale and exam table needed to be pee'd on. I guess she was trying to protest her visit. She lost the battle but the war isn't over!!

She looks so happy doesn't she?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summers' Cheering Section

Summer knows she's loved. Both families were represented at the hospital the day she was born. Grandma and Grandpa Bandyk, Uncle Joe and Auntie Meg, Aunt Missy and Uncle Jason were all there to cheer on Summer as she entered the world. See those smiles? I wonder if they were excited?

Tiffany's immediate family lives about 3 hours away from Chicago and couldn't be with us the day Summer was born but they drove up the next morning to see their new granddaughter, bring gifts, take pictures, and wish me a Happy Fathers Day....thanks Mom, Dad, and Layle. It's nice to have such a supportive family. Summer marks the 5th grandchild for Tiff's parents...all girls and one boy. Our nephew Tristen was really hoping for a boy but I'm sure he'll love her just the same. This is the first grandchild for the Bandyk's and everyone is going crazy with excitement. The Bandyk's are a rowdy bunch of characters and I'm pretty sure are looking to corrupt my little angel. I guess that's called Karma, right?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer has arrived.....sleep has gone

Ok, sorry for the long delay. Kids are a handful. So we brought Summer home from the hospital on Monday and it's been craziness ever since. With the support of friends and family they're making our transition into parenthood much easier.

Summer, sleeps a bit, poops a lot, and provides us with tons of laughs already. Tiff and I basically just sit and stare at her in amazement of what we created. She loves when I sing to her, especially in the wee hours of the night when she decides sleep isn't an option. She seems to respond well to Jimmy Buffett....ahh a girl after my own heart.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!! - Summer Booton Bandyk

In this corner, weighing in at 8lbs 3oz, born at 8:03pm 20 inches, and wearing the hat with froggies and turtles, Summmmerrrrrrrr Baaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddyyyyykkkk .

So our little daughter was born at 8:03pm on June 14th. Not only did I get my Father's Day wish, but remember my niece Maeve from the story below? Well, her Dad Amador, got the best 30th birthday present ever last night, a new niece.

While Tiffany struggled to use any of the breathing methods we were taught while on our way to the hospital, she did do an amazing job last night when it came time for pushing. With every push we made great progress. So here's the recap of yesterdays events:
6am - Labor begins
10am - Drive to the hospital
10:45am - 1 shot with painkiller
11:30am - Epidural inserted
11:30am - 7pm - Pleasant thoughts and relaxation
7pm - Started pushing (bye bye relaxation)
8:03pm - Summer is born

We're probably going to be in the hospital until Monday at some point, at which time, they're sending us home with Summer and we're hoping to God that we don't screw her up. Tiff and I make a great team and have already found our groove after only a few hours. She nurses while I sleep, then she sleeps while I burp and sing songs to her. Oh yeah, both Mom and baby have successfully been nursing. Baby has no problems at all and has already demonstrated an appetite.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Friends and Family, the long awaited day has arrived. This morning Tiff was feeling massive cramping and was in some real bad pain....obviously. I thought the car ride to the hospital was probably the craziest 30 minutes of emotions I've ever experienced. I can't even begin to imagine what Tiff was going through, although I had an idea when she kept yelling for me to just drive and hurry.

We're now at the hospital, Tiff has her epidural and is resting. We dilated from a 1 to a 6 in just 2 hours. Needless, to say, this kid has finally decided to meet us and seems to be just as excited as we are. The Dr. is predicting Ribeye will be here by about 4 or 5pm today.

What a Fathers Day this is gonna be!!!

I'll keep you all posted. Unfortunately I don't have the cord to download pix to my computer so it may not be until tomorrow that I can get pix out to ya'll. Keep your fingers crossed for a smooth delivery.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Just chillin'

June 9th has come and gone and Ribeye remains cooking away in Momma's belly. Unfortunately for me as I was hoping for the greatest Fathers Day gift in the world, Baby Ribeye. Oh well, the Dr. has scheduled us for induction on Thursday, June 19th unless Ribeye comes sooner. The good news in that is Ribeye will share his/her birthday with the anniversary of Grandma & Grandpa Bandyk and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Bandyk. So that's pretty sweet. The next update will be posted before we head to the hospital, or something fun and exciting happens. But really, we're 41 weeks pregnant, we're not exactly out tearin' up the town ya know. Chat with ya soon.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I Think I Can--I Know I Can--I Think I Can--I Know I Can

The Dr. said we were at 1.0 cm so I slipped her a hundo ($100) and now we're at 1.5cm. Funny, a $100 still gets Dr's to do stuff. Probably cuz of the gas crisis.

But seriously folks, she did manually dialate Tiff a little bit because we're smack dab in the middle of week 39 and not really progressing much (not for lack of trying on my part). The Dr. said that if the work she did today was successful, that we would go into labor within the next 72 hours. If her efforts aren't successful and Tiff remains pregnant all next week, she'll be induced on June 16th. Now, upon hearing that, I actually did try to bribe the Dr. to have the baby induced on Fathers Day. She said they didn't induce on the weekends. Apparently $100 just doesn't buy you what it used to anymore :(

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Holy Effaced Cervix Batman!!

Because we are considered to have a high risk pregnancy (and it’s not because of all that frosting Ribeye has consumed from baby showers and MetLife events) we recently visited the Dr. for our weekly check up and found Tiff’s cervix (which hasn’t been named yet like our baby) is now 75% effaced. For those that don’t have a cervix, effaced basically means the exit path from the uterus is thinning out and getting ready for Ribeye’s grand entrance. Tiff’s also at a negative 1 something or other. I’m guessing that represents the pelvis widening. I base this on the recent waddle Tiff has demonstrated. Clearly she didn’t proof read this story before I posted it. Sorry babe, remember, I love you : ).
So with these recent developments my trusted advisor, Michelle Guistolise, says we’re probably within 10 days of delivering. I’ll let you know how the next appointment goes. Thanks Dean for the picture. They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words.

Yo, MTV Cribs, check this out

Ribeye's baby shower gift from Grandma and Grandpa Bandyk was delivered this week so now Ribeye's lair is complete. Please note, we are not Green Bay Packer fans as some have suggested by the color scheme. Pastel yellow and green was the most nuetral color scheme we could think of. Give us a couple years, we'll transition Ribeye from frogs to Bears.

You can eat cake!!!!

If one thing is certain, Ribeye is GOING to have Momma's addiction to buttercream frosting. After 5 baby showers provided by our family, friends, and co-workers with cake and cookies, not to mention the countless miscellaneous events at MetLife that provide cake, Tiff and I realized just why Ribeye has been so active in the guessed it, sugar.

With all this sugar I'm surprised Ribeye hasn't tried to mimick Chuck Norris' birth. Rumor has it that rather than be birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mothers womb. Although just comparing my child to Chuck Norris, I may be roundhouse kicked. Confused? See I digress.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

You Did This To Me!!!!!!!!!

People are always asking, how's the pregnancy going? Unfortunately I always say, great! Hasn't been a problem yet! Well, I'm guessing T-Bone might disagree with me. As you can see from this picture, she's yet again making her daily prayers to the pregnancy gods for this to be an easy and pain free pregnancy. Odds are....not gonna happen. But hey, I'm supportive.

Ribeye's New Best Friend or Future Girlfriend? I got my eye on you kid

Allow me to introduce Maeve Brooklyn Ontiveros, my new lovely rent-a-niece. Born on December 20th, 2007, one era prior to the "The Ribeye", she is the foretold "BFF" or "girlfriend" of the Ribeye (while sex of Ribeye not known yet, you can clearly see we're all betting its a boy).

Born to some of the wonkiest parents around, she demonstrates only the strongest features of both parents; Daddy's chubby cheeks and irritable personality when hungry, while representin' Mommy by a somewhat ritualistic regurgitation. It's not a 10pm ritual mommy, but its the best she can do. The Maevster!!

Sure you're 6 months older than Ribeye, but the tabloids have been reporting about these so called "cougars" lately, so I'm gonna keep my eyes on you. I see you eyeing my beer, yeah, that's right, it has one full pound of pure imported hops while competitors only have a 1/4 of that, that's why your so attracted to it. But you have plenty of time to ponder that. Daddy owed me that because he foolishly bet against the Yankees in an early season series between the Yankees and White Sox. Let that be a lesson, convert from your foolish south side ways and you shall be saved! And, Uncle Bri will get you cool gifts.

Is This Really Happening?

Holy Schnykees!!! It's like Christmas for pregnant couples.....wipes, booty's, butt cream, bath toys, adult diapers, oh my!

Remember when Tiffany was a footloose and fancy free girl dancing on bars (I don't, but she tells me she was)? Well it's now a different pace but she's still wacky in her own right, not even a couple years ago Mommy set records at Buffalo Wild Wings for the most buffalo wings eaten by a girl in 6 minutes or less. Yeah, she braved and dominated the "Blazin' Challenge". Hell hath no fury like challenging the T-Bone to an eating contest. I know this unfortunate outcome all too well : (

The Galesburg crew was too kind to Ribeye, he/she got tons of cool stuff from his/her friends, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandma and Grandpa. A special thanks goes out to Sydney who did a great job of prepping the gifts for Tiff to open. Ribeye's slowing her down quite a bit these days, making her pee often, and not to mention the heartburn and snoring.

We got great advice from everyone on what to expect, how to deal with it, and how to learn from it, all great advice.....yeah, it didn't work, we're freakin out!!! We've seen the birthing video.......5 times.....oh man!!!

Ribeye says thanks to friends and family for the wonderful gifts. A smooth bottom is in store for this little kiddo!!

Bringin' In A Pro

Born of the painting generation, I needed to call in the wallpaper expert! I had gotten in way too deep by committing to a border separating what some would interpret as "Packers" colors. Yeah, Joe P. Bandyk (aka, Grandpa) has some mad skills in the ways on wallpapering a room. He's what my brother would call the "Yoda". Anyway, quick to the call, Grandpa took charge, laid the plan, and totally executed. In a familiar fashion, he was also able to tell Daddy exactly what to do and how to do it (he calls it delegating, I call it normal).....weird, cuz that's never happened? Just kiddin Gramps.

So how's it look?

More pictures to come later....the furniture hasn't arrived yet. Ribeye, Grandpa hooked you up somethin' fierce! Oh yeah, you want to give a shout out to Grandma too, hey Grandma! : )